Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Journal Treasures in my home

There are a few things in my home that I am absolutely in love with. Here is a photo of two of them.

1. My Chandler in my kitchen. My Southern Man bought this for me the night we closed on our first home purchase.
2. My vintage white washed table. I got from a very special store. 
My Chandler is just so special to me. My Southern Man spent over two hours in Lowes helping me pick it out. It has those pineapple looking bulbs in it and for now off white hats. When we move to our farm house I am going to get more detailed ones to match the decor to our new dining area. 

My vintage white washed table took me over a year to find. I had what I wanted in my mind but could not find it anywhere. When I did I new the moment I saw it that is was perfect for our dinning area. The lady that restored the table is so very sweet. Her name is Joy and she brought me such joy with this table and the fact that she added a special coating to protect it from my children.

What are some special treasures you have in your home?

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