Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Journal Shopping and Giving!!

I am not afraid to say it, I am a shopper!! I love shopping therapy and I have taught both my girls about how important shopping therapy is!!
I also taught them the rules that go along with it.

Always and only use cash. Never pull out plastic that brings you into the negative.

Buying something that is on sale that is even better. That always makes my purchase a bit sweeter! 
(this photo is from the  TOMS website)

However when I can purchase and truly give something back at the same time, well that just takes me over the top!! I can not just buy one, I start buying one for every family member and friend!!

An old childhood friend led me to this site and I thank her for it. 

Please check this out!! Here is the link!

( This photo is from the TOMS website)
I have ordered my pair and they are on the way! I also am getting some for all 4 of my kids for this summers knock around shoes! 

I will let you know when they get here!!
Shopping and Giving!!
What a treat!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Journal-Southern Man's Smell

(I did not take this photo, however I think it sets the mood quite well..)

Southern Man has this smell to him, it is not always there it only appears at certain times. When it does appear it sends my body into animal reactions. I can not help myself, it makes passion inside me that I can not control. Then he adds his amazing Southern Charm and away I go into another universe where I am no longer the clear and level headed Mommy that governs this home.
I become gitty, fluttering, tiger. A little music, some soft light, close dancing and this amazing aroma that my Southern Man's body exudes and well... Get those children off to bed..

This is a family friendly site so...I think we Mommies know where this is going...

Have you stopped and smelled your man?? You might be surprised!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Journal Treasures in my home

There are a few things in my home that I am absolutely in love with. Here is a photo of two of them.

1. My Chandler in my kitchen. My Southern Man bought this for me the night we closed on our first home purchase.
2. My vintage white washed table. I got from a very special store. 
My Chandler is just so special to me. My Southern Man spent over two hours in Lowes helping me pick it out. It has those pineapple looking bulbs in it and for now off white hats. When we move to our farm house I am going to get more detailed ones to match the decor to our new dining area. 

My vintage white washed table took me over a year to find. I had what I wanted in my mind but could not find it anywhere. When I did I new the moment I saw it that is was perfect for our dinning area. The lady that restored the table is so very sweet. Her name is Joy and she brought me such joy with this table and the fact that she added a special coating to protect it from my children.

What are some special treasures you have in your home?

Creative Corner- More Flowers

Tulips Any one?

There is a dusting of snow outside my front door and I am choosing to ignore it. 

Instead I am going to focus on the fact with little effort I can bring spring back into my home. Here is one of my favorite vases I purchased from Whole Foods about a year ago. I love the wide mouth and depth to it. 

So find the spring in your home, pull out a favorite vase and fill it up with a bright spring color!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Home Schooling-Why?

I come from the era of one-size-fits-all education. I remember being a child and never feeling like I fit in when the group teaching style was going on in the class room. It was not a social misfit of not fitting in, it was a learning misfit. I don't want my child or children to EVER feel that way.

There was also a time when putting my step children through the public school system and sitting down and talking with my oldest step child's teachers and being told, your step son is very bright, brighter then most in his class, however I am sorry but I just don't have the time to teach at the higher level he needs. So please have him bring an extra book in so he can entertain himself while the others finish their work.

Please know I do not fault any of these educators. From my past or my step children's experience. I remember doing my student teaching for special needs students and staying up for hours writing a lesson plan for each of them and then writing one for the entire class of main stream students as well that I was teaching. I thought to myself, this was nuts how much time it consumed and I could not understand how my co-workers who had children and families managed to stay on top of this as well.

I don't want this for my children. I want them to get individualized personal educations. I want them to be part of a co-op once a week or more where they get to socialize while learning on a group lesson for a short amount of time and then getting that one-on-one attention from me the rest of the week, where we can soar with that lesson to where ever their very intelligent minds want to go. Or if they are struggling know I am there to help them through it and not feel rushed.

Don't get my wrong, my children will be involved with scouts, sports, church youth, dance, music lessons and so much more. In these activities they will get to meet friends and socialize where it belongs. Not in their personal learning space 5 days a week. They will have their co-op to experience group learning once a week and benefit from that greatly.

 I struggled and watched my peers, family and friends struggle as well with this one-size-fits-all education. Even in college I broke off into small groups from large lectures, where the ones that learned the same way seemed to be drawn towards each other and I benefited so much from that.

I also have greatly benefited from the continuation of my online education as well, with my own paced learning.

Now as an adult I have learned my strengths and weaknesses. However, if I had been taught that as a child I know I would be more confident in the game of life now. And had fewer set backs, where they were not necessary.

So this is my quest of home school learning. No, I am not anti-public school, I am just anti-one-size-fits-all learning.

I hope this reaches out to you home educating parents as you walk through your road of teaching, or trying to make that hard decision of home schooling. Know that there are many of us out there and yes, it will be okay in the end. You just need to answer your own question of why, like I have. It may not be the same answer in the end after having the experience, however, we all have to start somewhere!!

God Bless you on this road to educating your children.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Journal Disney Princesses on Ice

One Magical Evening on Ice!

This weekend Southern Man took us to Disney Princess on Ice. We had all four of our children. Marmie and Aunt La also joined our family adventure.
It was an enchanted evening to say the least. There were tears, singing, clapping, dancing, shaking of the butt, and much cheering!!
Years ago when our teen and pre-teen were young we did not have the advantage to take them to events like this. We had an unexpected blessing through my husbands many hats that he wears.Our blessing also came with unbelievable seats. Just a few rows up from all the action on the ice. 
The fairy dust out of Tinker Bells wand was flying and even the too cool for words teenager was smiling at the end!!
This morning I caught our teen wearing his mouse ears in the kitchen!!
Our 5 year old little man was taken back bye the amazing special affects they used. Our 2 year old was loving he music and dancing in the isle ways. Our pre-teen was excited to say the least and requested another visit very soon!!
Marmie and her sister Aunt La we reliving their own Disney memories from when they help to christened Walt Disney World when it opened, oh so many years ago. 

And Southern Man and I ended the magical evening with a Romantic Kiss!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creative Corner-Spring Craft

Is this not adorable or what??
It is a spring carrot! It goes along with the bunnies you will see during spring time.

I can not take credit for this idea, because a dear friend and teacher made this for one of my children.

However I can share with you how to make it.
Items You Will Need
1. Frosting Bags(Wilton is what was used here)
2. Cheese balls and or orange M&M's
3. Easter basket grass
4. green yarn or a green tie

First put the orange M&M in the bottom for the tip.
Then fill it with the cheese balls
Now add your Easter grass and
Last tie it off.
This is just too cute!!
Have fun with it!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Home Schooling Sick and Not Sick

Today I have one sick child and a child who is not sick. My sweet little girl the 2 year old is down and out with a stomach virus. However my little man the 5 year old is not. This is one of the amazing advantages to homeschooling, where I can nurture the sick child and the non sick child can still continue on. I do not have to drag the poor sick child out of her resting nest. She can stay in what ever comfort she finds and not be interrupted.

Now my five year old and I are going to go on to have our handwriting lesson. Move onto a new reading book. Tackle some new sight words. He will hit his math work book and then wrap it up with a play dough chart!! 

All while in the comfort of our home. Then when everyone is feeling better we can have some extra outside play and out door science lessons. 
I love finding these benefits to home schooling!


My Journal A Valentine from God

I love to write about my faith. 
One of my dear friends who I am very close to because of our faith loves to say, I am one of God's Shepard's spreading the word through my life. This friend is so dear to me.
God, is so dear to me and for Valentines Day this year he gave me one of his gifts that reminds you just how powerful and amazing he is.
I have had a hearts desire for quite some time now, one that I did not think I could ever make possible. And then out of know where he gave Southern Man the tools to make that hearts desire happen for our family!
I love how God has a plan for you greater then you could ever imagine!! This amazing life he has given me, even on days where I have fear he shows me that he is hear. That he always gives Southern Man the tools to provide for his family more then just our needs.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Journal-Love Notes...

Romance is not something that is spar us in my home by any means. Southern Man finds the opportunities all on his own to show me his affections in soooo many, many, ways. I found this love note on a balloon tied to my dining chair.

This is just one of the ways he is kicking off his celebration of love to me.

Check back in and I might share more as the big day approaches in the morning. I have a few sweet little gifts for my sweet babies after their lunch tomorrow. I can't not wait to see their sweet little faces.

I have a few love notes stashed around my home for Southern Man...I wonder when he will find them!

Happy Valentines,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Journal-My Family, My brother the Captain!

My brother the Captain. He is not, "my captain" Southern Man is "my captain", but my brother is a Captain. I am so very proud of him. He is younger then me and has come so far in his career. Last year I went to his flight school graduation. It was too funny to see him all dressed up in his flight suit.

When we were kids we use to dress up and fly lots of places in our cardboard airplanes. However I NEVER let him drive when we played in our imaginary planes and cars. I guess you could say, in my weird mind I wonder, if that maybe one of the reasons,  I think that is why he loves flying so much now because he finally gets to be in charge:)

When I went to his graduation I got to sit in one of the machines he flies in,I am not going to tell you  which one, because that is life as a military family member:) So there we were sitting in that big powerful machine he flies around and in some imaginary way I was almost waiting for it to take off and he finally gets his turn to fly me around:)

He is a very good Uncle to all my kids. I have to remind him of birthdays and assists him with picking out gifts, but what man does not need help in that area?? The point is he tries. He gives it the old college try. I could not be more proud of him!!

Here we are sledding on our old childhood hill this past Christmas.If you look closely you can see another one of my brothers in the back round who was laughing at Southern Man, his brother in law going down our hill backwards:)

Someday I hope he makes me an Aunt like I made him an Uncle! I am getting older now and I would like the fun of playing with a baby I do not have to wake up with in the middle of the night. For now though he has provided me with his dog "Bullet" , I love my dog nephew. He gives me just the right amount of dog nephew kisses!! All though I have to say, I am NOT allowed to give him gum,urrg. I can not wait to give a niece or nephew gum!!

Ok, so back to my kid(not so Kid anymore) brother!! Like I said, I am just so proud of him:) Love you, BUD!!

Please pray for him he is one of the many wonderful people serving our country and helping other countries to build values and freedoms like the ones we are blessed with in our America.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adventures with Animals-For the Love of God, Don't drag your leash through your Poopeee!!

For the LOVE of GOD, please DON'T drag your leash through your POOPIE!!

There should be a photo hear, but I think we all know where this is headed and I don't think you actually want to see it!!!

Ok, so my Lady P is still training she has days where she still needs to drag her leather training leash around. All dogs are not PERFECT, just like children.
Is some one feeling a bit guilty???

So as I was saying it was one of those days. Normally before I send this beast out to run free in our currently small back yard, if she is having a leash day I take it off her before she hits freedom. Well, this week Southern Man has also been in a lot of meeting and not had time to pick up the, you know what, in the back yard. (No, I don't clean up DOG POOPIE!!, I clean up child Poopie all day long!)

So here we go. NO, the leash did not make it off before she shot out the back door to freedom. Can't say I blame her I was not home today at all so she had to hang in her kennel, I can see where she need the feeling of shooting out a door way to a big area to run. Well, with the leash NOT coming off, and there were several, you know what piles in the back yard.......I think we all know where this is going..yup you got it...GROSSS!!!
GOD BLESS Colorox ANYWHERE!! Because it works like a charm on her leather leash, it smells touchable again!!
Yes, I did not say it was pretty, but sometimes we just have to go there!!
Lot's of Gross Kisses, Cynthia!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Home Schooling-New Items

More new items for our home school room.
Let me see where to begin!! I am just so excited, building our class room has become so much fun!! Of course my little furry Lady P had to hang out in the photo too! Where ever I go she goes!!

1. I grabbed a few coloring books for some fun motivation and also good for practising our fine motor skills!!
2.I picked a few boxes with characters I know my little man is hooked into like Thomas!
3. More play dough, can not have learning with lots of colors of play dough!!
4.Colored Popsicle sticks for crafts, reading guide sticks, pointers and so much more.
5. High Five Magazine, which I love it's by High lights for those younger readers!
6. Window decals for themes, like our money unit,
7. Felt ABC's for our felt board, oh the games we can play with these!! My children are big hands on kiddo's
8. Google eyes
9. Felt sheets
10. more home crafts supplies from recyclable items
11. A large green bouncy ball to use at circle time
12. eraser caps, can not have enough of those!!

There are a few more items I will highlight in another post for another day!! I am telling you this was a small budget and many items came from the dollar store.
There are also many items I can repeat, Sense my kids are only 2 and half years apart, every time I make a lesson I am making 3 sets, so I have one to keep and one to repeat with the younger child. Just a helpful hint. I also take it down a couple of pegs so they are doing the same lesson but just a different learning scale.

What is new in your home school room?

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Journal-How Do you Say, I LOVE YOU???

How do you say, I love you? Valentines Day is closely approaching and I have been making sweet little gifts and cards with my children to celebrate this day. A tradition that my Southern Man and I started for Valentines Day with our children is, I buy a bunch of balloons every year.
From our local dollar store some that say I love, you. I also buy a few blank hearts in different colors.
This year I choose red. Then my Southern Man and I take a sharpie marker and write a message to each child on a balloon and tie it to the chair they sit in at our dinning table. The children all love this tradition. Even the 14 year old still gets a kick out of it.
How will you say I love you, this Valentines?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Schooling-Valentines

YEAH!! It is time for another Holiday!!!

At this time every year I am usually running around my home decorating for Valentines Day. It is actually more then just a day in our home, it is usually about a two week holiday celebration. We have many lovely traditions as a family. However this year I am running around putting together my very first Home School Valentine's kit! This There is not so much pressure this year, because we are home schooling part time. Sense my son has 3 months left of this Christian pre-k program in his pre-school. So we are only home schooling a couple days a week to easy into it.

Here are just a few of the great items I grabbed at the dollar store. Got to love that place.
1. Valentine Pencils(these are a must for my little home schooler, he loves to have a pencil for each season we are in!! Very festive I think of him!!
2. Valentines doilies how can you make valentines with out them?
3. Window and Mirror decals, a must !! Make great decorations!!
4. Valentine Garland to hang over our calendar wall.
5. Valentine's whistles!! We are taking these over to Grandma Mamie's house for a reading date,hehe,!

Of course I did not stop there, I also got valentine cookie cutters to trace and cut out. Then there was the valentine pencil erasers. And Valentines in the box, are great for practicing our hand writing!! And to make a visit to friends with a treat!!

What are you doing in our learning space for Valentines ????
