Monday, October 31, 2011

My Cook Book Favorite Cooking Tools! Part 1

I have to posses my favorite cooking tools when I am in deep cooking mode! Yes I am a can "make do" and "go with the flow girl". However, my life is a roller coaster and these simple tools make it better! 

 The Rachel Ray Garbage Bowl. I know right, it's around $20 at Target and that is where the photo is from, however if you shop around you can find a deal!
I am telling you though, it comes in handy!

Add c
 I am not sure if this is the actual bowl, however I have a bowl that looks like this and you could fit a small child inside. I once made a triple meat loaf recipe in there! It was crazy Love it!! Bought it at Target for around $20

 Pyrex 4cup, 2 cup and 1 cup glass measuring cups.
LOVE these guys!! I have used them for so many different jobs!! I have all 3 sizes I listed and could not live with out them!! Shop around you can find them any where! This one is from amazon, the link is below.

 These are the William and Sonoma mixing bowl set. Now mine are all red. I love these guys! They are sturdy!! They pour to perfection!! I never make a spill even with a kitchen stampede of animals and children! Around $40 I got mine at their out let for a bit less. bought 2 sets!

 Measuring cups and spoons.  Another William and Sonoma find!I know, I know all these brand names, however I am telling you these guys can take a beating!! They have survived 2 toddlers and several years of baking and still look great!!

This little guy can get any delicate baked good in one piece off the tray! I am telling you this tool can take a beating too and keep on cooking!

These spatulas can survive Southern Mans harsh cleaning methods and still look amazing! They Also are so smooth with their movements and have had amazing luck with them!

Another can not live with out! My Mom got me this for Christmas a few years ago, I thought why when I have the stand mixer. However I now, know why! SO MANY USES!! SO HANDY!

And I can not live with out it's Big Mama! This was a wedding gift from my Mother and Nanny. It started Southern Man's and my's kitchen and have been a staple ever sense!

I always say, the more you have of these babies the better!


Ok, well this is enough for now. Part 2 to come soon! It is amazing! I have been rejoicing in the fact that my marriage is about to hit the 10 year mark and I love the life and home we have built. It just blows me away what treasure I have been blessed with! Southern Man, our children and an amazing place to cook!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Journal Blessings, Protecting our children

I have found a great new site I want to share!
For many of you that have children that have food alergies, sending them out into the world, to activities,play dates,church groups,sporting events,travel and so much more, can be frightening at times. They may come in contact with food they are alergic to. And what if you are not there to go into rescue mode.
I have found this great new site with kids Friendly alert bracelet's! They act as great communicators in case your child forgets too, is to young too or you are not there.
Our on are the way now. 
I can't wait to share them with you!
For now, check out this amazing site and see if it fits your families needs. I think it just may!

Home Schooling

Home Schooling
This was a very personal choice for my family. Our road to making this decision started when my first born son was 1 years old and I went to hear a speaker who was a home schooling parent. 
I had always pictured myself teaching inside the school my children would attend some day. I just never put the pieces together that I could be the one teaching them. 
That speaker helped God's plan for my family reveal it's self that day.
When I went home that evening and shared with my husband what I had experienced and what God had placed on my heart, I expected to see Southern Man look at me funny. However he didn't.
He thought it was an amazing idea. And wondered why I had not come to him sooner. From there over the next few years we exposed ourselves more to the home schooling community. Attended a few conferences and let God lead us down this amazing path.
All roads led us here and we are so thankful!

Home Schooling Book Reviews Places I Love to Buy Books

Did some say shopping? 
Well if I heard you correctly, I am your girl! Come with me friend on a journey where we will dig for buried treasure at the right price!
This treasure is the best kind because it never stops giving! 
These are my favorite places to buy books!
1. Your local libraries seconds area. (you can usually find this in the front, if not ask you library counter friend.) We find books at our local library for less then a $1!
2. Amazon! Love to buy used books!! I have had great luck here!

3. Yard/Garage sales! Each one of my children has asked me when I took them to their first yard/garage sale experience if they are actually selling their garage? And how would we get it home if we bought it? That question never gets old! They are now recognizing home schooling parents as teachers and giving discount privileges.
5. Barns and Noble
They have great sale deals. I am a member and find it is well worth the cost to be one. Every year and make back what I spend to belong and then times 4 at least!
6.Christian Books.Com Another great place. For home school materials as well!

Happy Treasure Hunting! 
Please share with us if you know of some hidden places to find treasure as well!

Where does the time go?

This cute clock is from Fun place to shop check out this link and stop bye!

Tic- Tok 
Where or where does the time go?
I think my on going to do list owns me these days. Writing is always on there. However it makes it's way to the bottom of the list and has a hard time getting back up to the top five.

Well my new blog is here, it is a mess but here. I am making a road map as we speak to find my way back to organization and harmony in this special place I have in the world.
Looking forward to chatting more often. As I love to say to my girl friends who stop over, please excuse the mess we are a work in progress!

Any suggestion in time management you want to share I would love to hear! Talk to me!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Home Schooling Book Reviews

Here you will find the books that we love ! 
There is nothing better to a good home school day then taking an adventure inside an amazing story!
Books take you places you never dreamed of on a budget that anyone can afford!

Home Schooling Field Trips

Home Schooling Craft Projects

This is the place we get messy! 
I love to craft! Especially with my children! 
I grew up surrounded by women who were very talented in many ways! Sewing, crafting,painting,sculpting and so much more!
As home scholars this is one of the ways we love to release our creative energy!

Here is a quick list of great items to have in your home on hand to craft! 
  1. tacky glue
  2. scissors,(fabric,child size, adult size)
  3. Elmers glue
  4. Elmers glue sticks
  5. Scotch tape
  6. masking tape
  7. duck tape
  8. frog painters tape
  9. multi color construction paper
  10. oak tag
  11. pipe cleaners
  12. goggle eyes
  13. brown lunch sacks
  14. white paper plates
  15. water color paint
  16. white coffee filters
  17. brushes and sponge brushes
  18. pipe cleaners
  19. egg cartons
  20. tissue boxes
  21. tissue paper
  22. crayons, markers,colored pencils
  23. streamers
  24. washable paints
  25. wax paper
Most of these items I have collected at my local Dollar Tree, Michaels, Walmart and Target. I love to hit the back to school time each year and stock up. Also all of these stores have a $1 section and nine times out of ten I find them there.

Happy Crafting! 

Home Schooling Generla Information

Here is where we will put all the great stuff that comes through our life that I have not created a page for yet. We have so much we want to share there is just not enough room, yet!

My Cook Book Great Dishes

My Cook Book Holidays Meals

My Cook Book Quick Ideas

My Cook Book Seasonal Meals

My Cook Book

My Cook Book

Friends and Fellow Chefs!
You will find many times that my cook book may be quite different then yours. I hope some day to live in a world where it won't be a small percentage of the world.
I am a gluten-free Chef. 
I try to live my life every day gluten free. At times this is hard and I slip. Which causes great wear on my body.
I am trying to re-create dishes to fit my needs and not loose all the taste! 
So far I can knock it out of the ball park with my baked goods!
I am also on a quest to find amazing gluten free places to dine! 
That part of my blog to come later!
So try my recipes, they can always be substituted back to a gluten world. 
Give it a try you might be surprised and love what you find! 
In the great words of Julia Child, 
Bone Appetite! 

Creative Corner Great Finds

Creative Corner Projects

Creative Corner Seasonal Decorationg

Creative Corner Floral Arrangements

My Journal My Little Monkeys

Adventures With Animals Furry Friends

Adventures WIth Animals Lady P

Home Schooling-National Reading Day, Part 2

National Reading Day was a Success!!

This children had such a wonderful time and so did I. We started out at our small local book store where we read "Miss Brooks Loves Books! by Barbara Bottner. And the kids choose that one. We then headed over to our favorite of 3 local libraries, where we made our book donation. I of course wrote a mushy inscription to the children inside.
I can not wait to go check it out one day when they are older and show them.
Then we worked on our reading chart and closed the day with a wonderful bedtime story read by their Daddy.
I love it when we make a plan, execute a plan and have success!!

Adventures With Animals Lu

Home School-National Reading Day

(the orignal post to this blog was deleted here is another to mark the disscussion)
Monday January 24th is National Reading Day!!

My children and I will be celebrating this.
We will be donating a book to our local library and starting a reading goal chart.

Creative Corner Happy Hour Projects: No-Sew Fabric Pumpkin

 Hello Blogging Buddies!

I found this inspiring blog that is right up my alley in crafting. I see a long relationship in blog neighbors with this inspiring lady!!
Stop-bye her blog and say hello! You are going to love what you see!

Happy Hour Projects: No-Sew Fabric Pumpkin: Well, I don't have much time this week, which is something I'm sure MANY of you mamas can relate to! So I have a quick project for you today...


Cooking With Alergies-

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Journal

Hello Gorgeous!  
My new site is up and running!
What do you think??

The designer is still working out her kinks. 
I am loving my new style!