Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday's Book Review

Well Fellow Blogger's
It's officially Thursday! I still have not gone to bed yet from Wednesday! He,he,he. Can you tell my creative juice is pumping! 
This week I have a great book for review!
Here is the link to amazon where you can purchase it.
This book is a great start to changing things up a bit in your routine at home. 
It is not the type of book you sit down and bang out in a weekend. This book offers it self as a great reference. 
The author, Bobbi Conner, a form radio show hosts, describes in her introduction how she found her self needing a change with her children in their way of their routine at home and gave a very personal description on how these simple steps helped change the tone in her home instantly. 
Fred Rogers, who we all have known and loved as Mr. Rogers is also mentioned in the book and his views of how play is so important for children. I found a great quote in there from him that I think I am going to make as a sign for our home school room! 

My children and I are going to be enjoying this book for several months to come! I am so excited to get started on all the great suggestions. 

Southern Man picked this one out and I love him for it! He is so into our family and connecting with our children. This is not only a great edition for creative home school moments, but great family play moments!

1 comment:

  1. I think I might check this one out. Thanks for sharing :)
