Monday, August 29, 2011

Creative Corner: Hobbies

Hello Blogging Buddies!!

 Here is one of Southern Man's favorite shots of me. He took this on one of our many adventures together.
 I love to take photos. My family teases me about this, but when they get those amazing scrap books I make jam packed with all the memories they have forgotten about the complaints seem to fade away.

I have to say this is not one of my best poses ever. But it has a truth to it. It is SOO Natural. I am short and don't have much to my waist, which is one of my pet peeves with my body. We all have them. However this photo is a natural way you could find me in a crowd. 

These moments with my children go by so darn fast. Heck the last 10 years of my marriage has flown by. The two young dashing people that got engaged 10 years ago now have old people bodies. I laugh when I get a glimpse of the Southern Man and I 10 years ago.

Ok, small detour on the road trip I have taken you on. The truth is I could not find more happiness in this side of my creativeness. The moments I have captured with my photo taking creativity is truly one of the very best gifts I have ever given myself. 

I am contemplating a new camera.

Any one care to way in on this camera? I have always been a cannon girl myself. However I would love to try one of these babies out!! 

Blog Buddies, please give a review .................

Journal: BIG BLOG SALE!!

Hi All!!

My blog Designer is having a huge sale!! Check out her sale button in my button area!

She is very patient and sweet and works with you every step of the way!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Journal: Blessings

Hello My friends!

We are all safe and sound after Irene. I have more blessings then I can count right now. My Southern Man was amazing through the storm. We are all suffering from cabin fever, sense we are a family on the go. However I think that is the best ailment we have ever had!!

Presley slept next to our children last night, that were bedded down on our floor. Those are the memories I carry dear to my heart of my Shepard sleeping with me through tough times. He always made me feel safe. There is something about your dog cuddled up next to you that just makes the rest of the world disappear.

I am so grateful for all we have. 

Hope you are all safe and sound. Count your blessing it makes the rest disappear!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Home Schooling: Earth Quakes and Shakes!

Hello Friends!

Today my children were in the back yard creating great art with their dot painters soaking up the sunshine. While I was just a few feet away in the home school room preping the afternoon lesson. 

When my legs started to shake and the cabinet's around me. I thought, hmm this sinus headache is bigger then I thought. Until I looked outside and saw my children looking in side for me yelling," the earth is shaking Mommy, so we must be making shaking art!!"

Love how they can find the joy in everything. Turns out we actually had our first earth quake. Never thought I would live through one. 

However here we are hours later waiting for the aftershock experience to come.

I think any home schooling parent can relate in saying I get a small rush when a life lessons turns into an amazing home school, lesson or even unit!!

Well here I am now writing our earth quake unit we will start tomorrow. 

I wanted to share this great website I came across.

Here is the direct link to the children section

Not only now am I excited to teach this lesson to my children, however now I need to educate myself more on earth quake preparedness. 

My friends on the West Coast are not the only ones in my life now having fun with earth quakes!! 

Here is one more I just found as well.

Happy Learning !!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Journal: A FRESH LOOK!

I am, well my blog is under going a fresh look!! Stop back bye to see our new look! Created by,the new blog design, 

a button featured on this site!

Coming soon!


Friday, August 19, 2011

My Journal: A Great Blog!

Hello my adoring and growing followers! I just had to pop in a for a quick second! Southern Man just got back to our home after a long week of travel and he needs some extra loven!! 

However I had to share with you one of the blogs I drop bye often!

I love Lauren, and my dream for my farm house, I am in search of is, that I can have her come and add her amazing creativity to it, and help this scatter brain mind of  mine add simplicity and make sense of my ideas!!

She has great things going on this week!! Take a look! I plan on trying out that amazing braid on all the Cinderella hair my two girls have!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Creative Corner: Unexpected Treasures!

Unexpected treasures have been in my path a lot lately. A few weeks ago I snuck out to our local, Marshalls or as my family calls it,"MARRRSHALLS!"   I am always go in there with an open mind and just see what jumps out at me that will spike some creativity. So with this noted I do not make these quick trips, sometimes they can turn into a solid hour of creativity. 

So what did my wondering eye come a upon. This amazing warm colored milk picture. Which was food friendly! I turned it into vase!  Now resting on my farm house coffee table.

Doesn't it just scream FALL!! I love, love,love it!! I am so tickled we are just weeks away from this amazing season!! 

The carnations which have a wonderful smell to them I got at my local Giant. I think they have the best flowers! Out side the local flower market in my home town in OHIO!! GOOO BUCKS!

Well the creativity did not stop there! 

Last night I was at Target doing my every week house hold goods shopping and what did my eye spy this time??

This over sized canning jar. Oh, how the ideas started running into my mind almost as fast a waterfall on a rainy day! Well I think you know what my first idea was....

Another great floral find at Giant. I just love how tall it stands. Even Southern Man complemented me. He is a wonderful floral giver, just not one who notices. I think because we have been married so long and I have always filled our home with flowers he has grown a custom to them all over. 

I hope I have inspired your eyes to be on the look out for unexpected treasures! 

Happy hunting!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Journal Simple Pleasures

It is and always has been that it is the simple pleasures that make my children the happiest. Here is one of our latest summer projects. The Grandparents in this family love these types of gifts and we love giving them. We are keeping this one for the history made in our back yard. Happy end of the summer!-Cynthia