Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Journal Travels and Belated Easter Greetings!

Hello Friends!

I am sorry that my writings have been sparse. I have been having some wonderful adventures with my family. I have so many stories to tell!
Stay tuned in !
For now though, I present one of our very color Easter projects!

 Don't forget to stop bye the give away post! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

First Give Away!

Well I think it is about time we have our first give away!!

So you ask what am I going to give away??

I am giving away a pair of the women classic TOMS shoes. In the color of your choice and the best size for you. 

By, being rewarded with this giveaway you are also giving away a pair of shoes to some one in need. 
If you are not familiar with TOMS check out this link.

So here is the goal of the give away. I need to acquire 100 followers. When I have reached my goal of 100 followers that is when I will give away the FREE pair of TOMS shoes.

How do you win?
It is EASY!! For each follower you bring me you get a point the person that has brought me the most followers wins!! 

How will I know the follower came from you? Have your follower send me a quick e-mail with your name and that is how I will keep track!@ cynthiaandthefarmhouse@gmail.com

No, TOMS does not know I am doing this and the shoes are not being given away by them. I am purchasing the shoes!!

On your mark get set go!! The race is On!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Adventures with Animals Who is keeping watch?

Warning after you read this blog post you might run out and get a German Shepard. If you do, call me because I know the absolute best place to get one!!

It is 5:41am. If we are like Amazing Amigo's you would know that I am NOT a 5:41 am person. There are only limited reason I would EVER be up at this hour.
1. I have a brand new baby who needs to eat or a sick child
2.I have a brand new baby who needs to eat or a sick child
3.  It is Christmas Eve morning and I am up filling my home with amazing smells like one of Santa's Elves.
4. Santa just came some time ago and my children inner Santa alarm has gone off and they are ready to open gifts
5. I am leaving to catch a flight for an amazing trip!

Yes, I am aware that 1 and 2 are repeated.

So there I was a sleep which is the normal thing at 5:41am in this home. Along comes, who?
Yup, you got it Presley, Lady P, Pee Pee head! With this exact look on her face panting hard. I am thinking you crazy ********** Nut job animal what are you doing??? You know better then to wake Mommy up, I don't care you want to go down stares and blast my Ipod and dance!! Just go do it an let me be women!!

Except that is not at all what she wanted. She then did her jump up push over I am getting in bed with you move. Yup, I got pawed in the face! She is NOT smooth when it comes to that move. 

Pardon me, are you comfortable? I was just laying here in my bed sleeping thank you!!

No she was not, that then led to 5 minutes of tossing and turning. How was I going to get this crazy animal back to bed. Next came the heavy panting in my face. No she had not brushed her teeth yet, so you can only imagine how I was feeling now******** DOG!

OK, lovely animal you win I AM UP!!

Next a trip down stares to fill her KONG toy. If you do not have a KONG toy get one!! They rule at distracting and settling nerves in animals. 

Got the KONG filled that sucker up with soy butter and she followed me back up stares and settled down. 

Thank God, because I might have hurt her next or put her out in the yard!! 

As I climbed back into bed and over Southern Man, I noticed I had a missed call on my phone. I called it back and it was the emergency weather system alerting me there was a Tornado in my area and I needed to take cover! WHAT????? OH MY !!!
What if I had slept through that and something actually did happen and there I was woken to find my small sleeping children had been swept away to OZ!! 

Who is keeping watch at all times?? That is right, YOUR DOG!! 
 So the next time this face wakes me up, I am going to investigate a bit better!! The Tornado has passed and Presley has settled back down and is snoring away. But NOT before she went down the hall and checked her sleeping babies. 

I am so thankful for Presley who keeps watch so I can rest and soundly sleep every night. 

So Just call me or e-mail me if we are not amazing Amigos and I will tell you where to get the BEST German Shepard's EVER!!

It is a hidden secret. However once you know you won't be able to keep it!!

Thank you my sweet Presley for keeping watch!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Journal Cutest Easter Bunny Ever!

Is this not the cutest Easter Bunny you have ever seen or what?? 

This photo feel's like decades ago in my heart, even though it is not. There he is my little man for his very first Easter!!

It has always amazed me how the sleepless nights, the pain of birth and living with one eye open for months escapes our brains, but some how my heart is only filled with these sweet memories!!

God is amazing and his design is in creditable! I am so blessed to celebrate him this Easter and all he has blessed me with and taught me. 
