Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Journal: A much needed blessing!

I am back friends after many more miles have been added on to Big Red(my SUV) and now my son is missing some part's that needed to go!! Let's start catching up, I am starting with the unbelievable travels and "   a much needed blessing",  we went on. I have too say, that we thoroughly enjoyed.

My husband (Southern Man) is one of the most dedicated hard workers I have ever met in my life. He not only provides spiritually as the leader in our home but also a very valued team mate in his career. 

One of the blessing in his career is that we can accompany him on business trips when it allows. Well one of those times just happened for us. We joined him in sunny Orlando. Wow!! I can not say enough how much we all needed it after the long year of sickness in our home with our little five year old. 

 I have to just say this amazing pool and pool side staff provide the perfect therapy our family needed so very badly!! We met other family's that were in search of the same need and bonded over, taking in delicious strawberry smoothies and soaking in sunshine . This little Mama took in a little too much sunshine. Of course my two little ones were smothered in UV protection, however I forgot to cover my shoulders and back. Let's just say "OUCH!"  Did not cover it all!! Lot's of Banana Boat was lathered on by Southern Man as he snuck in a few giggles.

Southern Man and I surprised our two little stinkers after all that amazing play time with one last surprise, a bit of time at you know who's house!!

 What a greeting we got! After we arrived back from dinner our first night this guy was waiting in our room with a lovely phone message from him and his love Minnie. 

God always brings us the most unexpected blessings. We are so grateful. 

All I can say is this time was so needed especially with what lied ahead after our return home for my little man.

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